Zihao Zhou (周子豪)

Zihao Zhou 

Master Student
School of Electronic and Information Engineering
South China University of Technology
Room 1012, Shaw Science Building, Wushan Road 381,
Guangzhou, 510641, P. R. China
E-mail: eezihaozhou@gmail.com

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About Me

I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology from Sept. 2022, under the supervision of Jie Tang. Prior to that, I received my B. Eng. from the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology in Jun. 2022. My recent research focuses on wireless ad-hoc networking, design of network protocols, wireless communication and UAV swarm network. Besides, I am currently developing a Python-based simulation platform for communication in UAV Ad-hoc networks [Project Link], which provides accurate modeling and simulation of inter-UAV communication and supports users to design and verify their network protocols. I really enjoy my research and if you are interested in my work or have any inquiries, feel free to reach out via email at eezihaozhou@gmail.com.


  • [Mar. 2025] Our work "An Accurate IEEE 802.11 Packet Delay Model for Single-hop UAV Networks" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
  • [Oct. 2024] I was fortunate to receive the national scholarship for graduate students.
  • [Sep. 2024] Our work "A Q-Learning and Fuzzy Logic Based Routing Protocol for UAV Networks" was accepted by WCSP 2024 as Oral presentation.
  • [May. 2024] Our work "Optimized Routing Protocol Through Exploitation of Trajectory Knowledge for UAV Swarms" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.



  • National Scholarship for Graduate Students (10/2024) (Top 1% Student Gained)
  • Excellent conclusion of National Innovative Training Project for College Students (05/2022)
  • Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. donation scholarship (09/2021) (Top 1% Student Gained)
  • "Mingwei" Scholarship of School of Electronics and Information Engineering (05/2021)
  • Outstanding Student Leader in 2018-2019 academic year (12/2019)